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 Why the "Café" is bilingual???

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Nombre de messages : 373
Age : 37
Localisation : Sillery
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2004

Why the "Café" is bilingual??? Empty
MessageSujet: Why the "Café" is bilingual???   Why the "Café" is bilingual??? EmptyDim 2 Jan - 22:50

First of all, the Café is in french because at the beginnig (See ~Notre histoire / Our story~), it was a french web site, created by frenchs peoples. But after some time, we realized that we had more englishs members than frenchs members... So, when we changed the vocation of the Café, the idea to do it bilingual came. :wink:

English is the universal language all around the world and the spoken language of a part of our olds members, so it's the best second language for us, with what we will join more members. :wink:

:D :D Have fun!!! :D :D
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Why the "Café" is bilingual???
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